Australian Biblical Review volume 68 (2020): Book Reviews

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Author Title Reviewer
Sarah L. HartTemple to Tent. From Real to Virtual World (Exodus 24:15–Numbers 10:28) Mark O’Brien
Carole Ferch-JohnsonTelling Hands and Touching Feet: Nonverbal Communication in Two of the Narratives of Acts (RD 61; Oxford: Peter Lang, 2019)Adam G. White
Hector AvalosThe Reality of Religious Violence: From Biblical to Modern Times (BMW 72; Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2019)Caryn Rogers
Gary A. RendsburgHow the Bible is Written (Peabody: Hendrickson, 2019Jonathan Thamyrajah
William M. SchniedewindThe Finger of the Scribe: How Scribes Learned to Write the Bible (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019)Anne E. Gardner
Jordan GuyUnited in Exile, Reunited in Restoration (HBM 81; Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2019)Paul Byun
Mika Ahuvia and Alexander Kocar (eds)Placing Ancient Texts: The Ritual and Rhetorical Use of Space (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 174; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018)U-Wen Low
Laura J. HuntJesus Caesar: A Roman Reading of the Johannine Trial Narrative (WUNT 2/506; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019)Blake Wassell
Jon MoralesChrist, Shepherd of the Nations: The Nations as Narrative Character and Audience in John’s Apocalypse (LNTS 577; London: Bloomsbury: T&T Clark, 2018)Jon Newton
Isaac KalimiWriting and Rewriting the Story of Solomon in Ancient Israel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019)Anne E. Gardner
Kayle B. De WaalAn Aural-Performance Analysis of Revelation 1 and 11 (Studies in Biblical Literature 163; New York: Peter Lang, 2015)U-Wen Low
Peter J. LeithartRevelation 1–11 and Revelation 12–22 (ITC; London: Bloomsbury: T&T Clark, 2018)Jon Newton
Ian PaulRevelation (TNTC 20; London: Inter-Varsity Press, 2018)Jon Newton
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