The Fellowship for Biblical Studies Incorporated was formed in 1950 in Melbourne, Australia. It is an association of biblical scholars. Its purpose is to promote research and discussion on biblical studies and related fields by providing a forum in which local biblical scholars, as well as visiting scholars, may meet and present the results of their research to colleagues for critical discussion.

To achieve this aim, the Fellowship organises regular dinners in Melbourne and Sydney at which papers are presented by members or visiting scholars, and conducts a national conference every second year.

FBS also publishes the journal, Australian Biblical Review, as a forum for its members and for other Australian and international biblical scholars. ABR is a major recognised peer-reviewed biblical journal that has individual and institutional subscribers throughout the world.

ABR is published annually in early October. It contains both articles and book reviews. The Table of Contents of each issue of ABR since 1951 can be at the ABR Index Page; see here for the articles in the current issue. The full text of book reviews published in the journal since 2002 can also be read online via the Book Review Page. See the Instructions for Contributors for details on submitting an article for publication.

Subscriptions for Australian Biblical Review can be taken out using the form available on the ABR Subscription Page.

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