FBS Member Achievements for 2023

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Other Achievements and Honours
Gillian Asquith

Gillian Asquith was awarded Doctor of Philosophy Summa Cum Laude for her thesis entitled “Paul’s Unexpected Words: A Register and Semantic Study of Selected Epistolary Formulae in Paul’s Letter Openings in light of Documentary Papyri.” Her doctoral studies were undertaken at Australian Catholic University under the supervision of Michael P. Theophilos and Stephen C. Carlson.

Natalie Mylonas

Natalie Mylonas received the Early Career Researcher Award from the Australasian Society for Classical Studies for her project “Emotions of exile: The role of place attachment in ancient Israelite spatial ideologies and identity formation.”

Carolyn Alsen

“Seeing the Biblical World of Sodom-Mamre Through Surveillance.” Biblical Interpretation Online, August 09 (2023): 1–25. Open access link here.

Alan Cadwallader

“Methodological Issues in the Study of Ancient Villages.” Pages 27–72 in Cadwallader, et al (eds) The Village in Antiquity and the Rise of Early Christianity. London: T & T Clark, 2023.


“Village Life in the Lycus Valley.” Pages 240–71 in Cadwallader et al, The Village in Antiquity and the Rise of Early Christianity. London: T & T Clark, 2023.


“Moneyed Women in Phrygia.” Numismatic Chronicle 183 (2023): 1–36 plus plates.

_________Colossae, Colossians, Philemon: The Interface. (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023).
Mary L. Coloe

“Nicodemus—A Rabbi Seeking Wisdom.” Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 77, no. 4 (2023): 316–24.

_________“Salvation as Liberation.” In Many Believed Because of Her Testimony — Essays Celebrating the Scholarship and Service of Dorothy Lee, edited by Robert A. Derrenbacker Jr., Christopher A. Porter and Muriel Porter, 53–62. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock 2023.
_________Sundays under the Southern Cross: Gospel Reflections for Years A, B & C. Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2023.
Sally DouglasJesus Sophia: Returning to Woman Wisdom in the Bible, Practice, and Prayer. Eugene: Cascade Books, 2023.
_________“Newborn babies and Nursing Jesus (1 Peter 2.2–3): The Petrine Metaphor’s Disruption of Patriarchal Renderings of God and the Child” Biblical Theology Bulletin, vol 53, no 1. (2023), 31–41
_________“‘Because of the angels’ (1 Cor. 11:10): Ancient and Contemporary Threats to Women” in Feminist Theologies: Interstices and Fractures. London: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2023: (23–38).
Fergus King“Live and Let Live: Paul’s Advice on Ethical Diversity to the ‘Weak’ and the ‘Strong’ in Rome (Romans 14:1–15:5)” Pages 102–115 in Many Believed because of Her Testimony: Festschrift for Dorothy A. Lee. Edited by Robert Derrenbacker, Christopher A. Porter, and Muriel Porter. Eugene OR: Wipf & Stock, 2023.
_________“‘Duplicitous’ Philosophers?: Reflections on Stoic and Epicurean Participation in Ritual”, Colloquium 55:1 (2023): 45–71
Francis J. Moloney“The Letters of John.” Pages 1831–1849 in The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century. Fully Revised Edition. Edited by John J. Collins, Gina Hens-Piazza, Barbara Reid, OP, and Donald Senior, CP. London: T. & T. Clark, 2022.
_________Don Bosco in Australia and the Pacific 1923–2023. Mulgrave: Garratt Publications, 2022.
_________Die Offenbarung des Johannes und ihre Botschaft heute. Tageslesungen zur Osterzeit. Translated by Ingrid Rosa Kitzberger. Sankt Ottilien: EOS Editions, 2022. (German translation of Reading Revelation at Easter Time. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2020).
_________The Shape of Matthew’s Story. Biblical Studies from the Catholic Biblical Association of America 9. New York: Paulist, 2023.
_________“Tracing a Literary Structure in the Book of Revelation.” The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 84 (2022) 642–56.
_________“Foreword.” Pages xi–xvi in The Enduring Impact of the Gospel of John. Interdisciplinary Studies. Edited by Robert A, Derrenbacher Jr., Dorothy A Luee, and Muriel Porter. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2022.
_________“Foreword.” Pages vii-xiv in Anthony J. Kelly, The Way of Jesus. Cross and Passion. Adelaide: ATF Press, 2023.
_________“The Jews, Israel, and Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation.” Pages 102–115 in Many Believed Because of Her Testimony. Essays Celebrating the Scholarship and Service of Dorothy Lee. Edited by Robert A. Derrenbacker, Jr., Christopher Porter, and Muriel Porter. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2023.
_________“Remembering Xavier Léon-Dufour, SJ. July 3, 1912–November 13, 2007.” The Bible Today 61/2 (May–June 2023): 180–181.
_________“‘Interpreters of Our Own Cultural Tradition.’ The Australasian Catholic Record 1924–2023.” The Australasian Catholic Record 100 (2023), 387–400.
Natalie F. MylonasJerusalem as Contested Space in Ezekiel: Exilic Encounters with Emotion, Space, and Identity Politics. Bloomsbury, 2023.
Fergus King
Isaac Poobalan
“The Bronze Serpent: Abuse, Trauma and the Lifted Healer in the Wilderness.” Journal of Anglican Studies, 2023, 1–21.
Stefano SalemiPerché Gesù è morto? …e subito ne uscì sangue e acqua [in Italian, tr. Why did Jesus die? …and immediately blood and water came out] (Mantova: Universitas Studiorum, November 2023).

Abstract: The study highlights the theological closeness of early Christianity to the theological frame of John, which affirms the essential fluidity of the meaning of Christ’s death relating it to an intertextual use of the Old Testament. The elements of Jn.19:34 (blood and water from Jesus’ pierced side) reflect a theology ‘of memory’ since the author offers a re-reading of the Old Testament Jewish sacrificial and feast tradition as an ‘opaque theatre script’ taking its ‘stage’ on the Passion Narrative. The book discusses a full range of exegetical lines and intends to see the different interpretations of Jn.19:34 within a textual-critical survey.

It examines the interaction between modern and early Christian hermeneutical traditions about the meaning of Jesus’ death in John’s Gospel. The methodological advance of this approach is twofold: first, it moves modern exegesis to a wider exegetical frame including early Christian interpretations (within the first five centuries in Latin, Greek and Syriac writers) and offers new interpretations of the Gospel; and second, it goes beyond the limited hermeneutical framework of the episode to a more productive examination of its function in the text and in the broader context of the New Testament.

_________A Linguistic-Theological Exegesis of Ezekiel as môphēt: “I have made you a sign” (Ezekiel 12:6) (Brill, vol. 76 Studia Semitica Neerlandica, March 2024).

Abstract: In the book of Ezekiel, in a visionary walk guided by a ‘mysterious’ man (Ezek 9), the prophet witnesses a momentous event: the departure of the כבוד, the glory of YHWH, from the Temple (Ezek 9–11). In this scenario, Ezekiel is commissioned to transmit YHWH’s oracles to the house of Israel in a very particular and often bizarre way. His ministry is a symbolic communication conveyed by means of a ‘body’ and a ‘performance’ – a mode of expression consisting of actions to be interpreted by the observers. The book of Ezekiel vividly expresses the fullness of this reality, in a moment coincident with the departure of the כבוד, with the statement “I have made you a מופת” (Ezek 12:6). This phenomenon raises questions about the function of the prophet within the narrative of the book of Ezekiel. The role played by the prophet as מופת, within the frame of YHWH’s presence/absence and the traumatic experience of the Exile, is a key element in my study. In a metonymic dimension, Ezekiel’s narrative and life seem to serve as a means of YHWH’s self-disclosure, conveyed through the profound and intricate semantic significance of Ezekiel’s מופת-identity. Ezekiel as מופת is mentioned only four times in the book. In chapters 12 and 24, the lexeme is used to identify the prophet within the context of two specific symbolic actions. Therefore, what does being a מופת imply for the story of the prophet and the theology of the book of Ezekiel? How to define this prophetic experience? What does the lexeme מופת indicate? In which way does מופת identify the prophet? Could Ezekiel be a form of YHWH’s visible presence, especially in relation to the Exile and the absence of a temple? Could the lexeme מופת indicate an alternative form of theophany or category of prophetism? What is the relationship between Ezekiel and the מִקְדָּ֣שׁ מְעַ֔ט? Ezekiel, as מופת, seems to act as an alternative instrument of divine communication, a provoking performer of visible messages, a sign among many other signs, a symbol of, and communicative bridge in, YHWH’s relationship with his people. Thus, by recognising himself as מופת, Ezekiel's self-understanding switches from the personal self to a functional self. Therefore, this study focuses on the interpretation of the meaning, role, and influence of the statement “I have made you a מופת” within the narrative of the book of Ezekiel, through the lenses of semantics, exegesis, and theology.

Angela Sawyer“Deutero-Isaiah’s Daughter Zion as Survival Literature: Terror Management Theory.” In When Psychology meets the Bible, edited by Heather A. McKay, and Pieter van der Zwan, Sheffield Phoenix, 2023, 104–129.
David M. ShawNarrative, Calling, and Missional Identity in 1 Peter: Between Promise and Inheritance. Biblical Interpretation Series 216. Brill, Nov 2023.
Brendan Byrne, SJ.

Gott, der die Last nimmt: Eine Begegnung mit dem Matthäus-evangelium. Aus der Englischen von Ralf Klein, SJ. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag, 2022.


Words of Faith: A Vocabulary of Paul the Apostle. New York–Mahwah: Paulist, 2023.


Sharing the Treasure: Reflections on the Sunday Gospels Years A, B, C. Strathfield, NSW: St Pauls Publications, 2023.

Alan Cadwallader
J. R. Harrison
A. Standhartinger
L. L. Welborn

The Village in Antiquity and the Rise of Early Christianity (London: T & T Clark, 2023).

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