Australian Biblical Review volume 11 (1963)

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Bornkamm, G.
The Letter to the Romans as Paul’s Last Will and Testament (ABR 11, 1963) 2–14.

Gurewicz, S. B.
Some Examples of Modern Hebrew Exegesis of the OT (ABR 11, 1963) 15–23.

Burns, A. L.
Some Biblical Sources of Concepts in International Theory (ABR 11, 1963) 24–32.

O’Hagan, Angelo P.
Early Christian Exegesis Exemplified from the Epistle of Barnabas (ABR 11, 1963) 33–40.

Salom, A. P.
The Imperatival Use of the Participle in the New Testament (ABR 11, 1963) 41–49.

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