Australian Biblical Review volume 3 (1953)

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Goldman, M. D.
The Root פלל and Its Connotation with Prayer. Attempted Explanation of Deuteronomy 32:31 (ABR 3, 1953) 1–6.

Burns, A. L.
Two Words for “Time” in the New Testament (ABR 3, 1953) 7–22.

Thompson, J. A.
Extra-Biblical Data and the Omri Dynasty (ABR 3, 1953) 24–40.

Gurewicz, S. B.
When Did the Cult Associated with the “Golden Calves” Fully Develop in the Northern Kingdom? (ABR 3, 1953) 41–44.

Goldman, M. D.
Lexicographical Notes on Exegesis (4) (ABR 3, 1953) 45–51.

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