Australian Biblical Review volume 58 (2010)

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Boyle, Brian
The Figure of the nāśîʾ in Ezekiel’s Vision of the New Temple (Ezekiel 40–48) (ABR 58, 2010) 1–16.

Pinker, Aron
Experimenting with Entertainment in Qohelet 2:1–3 (ABR 58, 2010) 17–35.

Barclay, John M. G.
Paul, the Gift and the Battle over Gentile Circumcision: Revisiting the Logic of Galatians (ABR 58, 2010) 36–56.

Bhaldraithe, Eoin de
The Johannine Prologue Structure and Origins (ABR 58, 2010) 57–71.

Schneiders, Sandra M.
Biblical Interpretation—the Soul of Theology (ABR 58, 2010) 72–82.

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