Australian Biblical Review volume 6 (1958)

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Andersen, F. I.
Who Built the Second Temple? (ABR 6, 1958) 1–38.

Broughton, P. E.
The Call of Jeremiah: The Relation of Deut. 18:9–22 to the Call and Life of Jeremiah (ABR 6, 1958) 39–46.

Mason, B. A. Hooley and A. J.
Some Thoughts on the Parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke 16:1–9) (ABR 6, 1958) 47–60.

Morris, Leon
The Punishment of Sin in the Old Testament (ABR 6, 1958) 61–86.

McCaughey, J. D.
The Gnostic Gospel of Truth and the New Testament (ABR 6, 1958) 87–110.

Gurewicz, S. B.
The Deuteronomic Provisions for Exemption from Military Service (ABR 6, 1958) 111–21.

Salom, A. P.
The Imperative Use of hina in the New Testament (ABR 6, 1958) 123–41.

Thompson, J. A.
The Economic Significance of Transjordan in Old Testament Times (ABR 6, 1958) 143–68.

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