Australian Biblical Review volume 8 (1960)

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Dalton, W. J.
Expiation or Propitiation (Rom. 3:25) (ABR 8, 1960) 3–18.

Gurewicz, S. B.
The Problem of Lamentations 3 (ABR 8, 1960) 19–23.

McCaughey, J. D.
Two Synoptic Problems in the Gospel of Thomas (ABR 8, 1960) 24–28.

Osborn, E. F.
Realism and Revelation (ABR 8, 1960) 29–37.

Thompson, J. A.
Non-Biblical Covenants in the Ancient Near East and their Relevance for Understanding the Covenant Motif in the Old Testament (ABR 8, 1960) 38–45.

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