Australian Biblical Review volume 17 (1969)

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Painter, John
Gnosticism and the Qumran Texts (ABR 17, 1969) 1–6.

Ellis, William
Δοῦλος and Διάκονος: A Note on a Pauline Usage (ABR 17, 1969) 7–8.

Barrett, C. K.
Theology in the World of Learning (ABR 17, 1969) 9–20.

Anderson, Bernhard W.
An Exposition of Genesis 32:22–32. The Traveller Unknown (ABR 17, 1969) 21–26.

McCaughey, J. D.
Three “Persecution Documents” in the New Testament (ABR 17, 1969) 27–40.

Osborn, E. F.
Ebeling, Word … (ABR 17, 1969) 41–53.

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