Australian Biblical Review

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Painter, John
Text and Context in John 5 (ABR 35, 1987) 28–34.

Painter, John
“The Origins of Demythologising” Revisited (ABR 33, 1985) 2–14.

Painter, John
R. E. Brown, The Epistles of John. Review Article (ABR 32, 1984) 38–48.

Painter, John
Christology and the Fourth Gospel: A Study of the Prologue (ABR 31, 1983) 45–62.

Painter, John
A Note on the Hermeneutical Theology of Rudolf Bultmann (ABR 29, 1981) 26–31.

Painter, John
Glimpses of the Johannine Community in the Farewel Discourses (ABR 28, 1980) 21–38.

Painter, John
Gnosticism and the Qumran Texts (ABR 17, 1969) 1–6.

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