Australian Biblical Review volume 29 (1981)

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Diamond, Gerald J.
Reflections upon Recent Developments in the Study of Parables in Luke (ABR 29, 1981) 1–9.

Watson, Nigel M.
Exegesis—Marxsen’s Contribution (ABR 29, 1981) 10–15.

McCaughey, J. Davis
Literary Criticism and the Gospels: A Rumination (ABR 29, 1981) 16–25.

Painter, John
A Note on the Hermeneutical Theology of Rudolf Bultmann (ABR 29, 1981) 26–31.

Osborn, Eric F.
Exegesis and Theology (ABR 29, 1981) 32–37.

Strecker, Georg
Compliance—Love of One’s Enemy—The Golden Rule (ABR 29, 1981) 38–46.

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