Australian Biblical Review volume 53 (2005)

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Byrne, Brendan
Paul and the Diaspora: Re-imagining Church with the Aid of Rahner and Harink (ABR 53, 2005) 1–12.

Warner, Megan
Genesis 20–22:19: Abraham’s Test of Allegiance (ABR 53, 2005) 13–30.

Crotty, Robert
The Literary Structure of the Binding of Isaac in Genesis 22 (ABR 53, 2005) 31–41.

Gaventa, Beverly Roberts
God Handed Them Over: Reading Romans 1:18–32 Apocalyptically (ABR 53, 2005) 42–53.

Trainor, Michael
The Cosmic Christology of Colossians 1:15–20 in the Light of Contemporary Ecological Issues (ABR 53, 2005) 54–69.

McLaren, James S.
The Census in Judea (ABR 53, 2005) 70–75.

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