Australian Biblical Review

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Byrne, Brendan
Fifty Years with Paul (ABR 70, 2022) 33–47.

Byrne, Brendan
“Glory” as Apostolic Credibility in 2 Corinthians 2:14–4:18 (ABR 66, 2018) 13–30.

Byrne, Brendan
“And so both are preserved” (Matt 9:17e): A Fresh Look at the Wineskins Image in Matthew (ABR 64, 2016) 25–30.

Byrne, Brendan
Paul and the Diaspora: Re-imagining Church with the Aid of Rahner and Harink (ABR 53, 2005) 1–12.

Byrne, Brendan
The Messiah in Whose Name “The Gentiles Will Hope" (Matt 13:21): Gentile Inclusion as an Essential Element in Matthew’s Christology (ABR 50, 2002) 55–73.

Byrne, Brendan
How Can We Interpret Romans Theologically Today? (ABR 47, 1999) 29–42.

Byrne, Brendan
“The Type of the One to Come” (Rom 5:14): Fate and Responsibility in Romans 5:12–21 (ABR 36, 1988) 19–30.

Byrne, Brendan
Ministry and Maturity in 1 Corinthians 3 (ABR 35, 1987) 83–87.

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