Australian Biblical Review volume 64 (2016)

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Playoust, Catherine
The Location of the Cloud of Witnesses (Heb 12:1): Complexities of Time and Space in Hebrews (ABR 64, 2016) 1–13.

Hiebel, Janina M.
Redaction, Rhetoric and a New Beginning in Ezekiel 1:1–3:15 (ABR 64, 2016) 14–24.

Byrne, Brendan
“And so both are preserved” (Matt 9:17e): A Fresh Look at the Wineskins Image in Matthew (ABR 64, 2016) 25–30.

Zimmermann, Ruben
Abundant and Abandoning Life: Towards an ‘Ethic of Life’ in the Gospel of John (ABR 64, 2016) 31–53.

McMahon, Christopher
The Paternalism of Meier’s Criteria: The ‘Prophetic’ Case against the Parable of the Good Samaritan (ABR 64, 2016) 54–68.

Theophilos, Michael P.
The Numismatic Background of χαρακτήρ in Hebrews 1:3 (ABR 64, 2016) 69–80.

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