Australian Biblical Review volume 67 (2019)

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Canavan, Rosemary
A Woman, a Coin and the Prosperity of Colossae (ABR 67, 2019) 1–16.

Sonek, Kris
Wrangling with Abraham: An Evaluation of Recent Studies on Genesis 12–25 (ABR 67, 2019) 17–29.

Li, Xi
A Purely Symbolic Theory on the Chronology in 1 Kings 6:1 (ABR 67, 2019) 30–47.

Boase, Elizabeth
Mis-Placed Bodies: The Interpenetration of Body and Place in Jeremiah (ABR 67, 2019) 48–59.

Thambyrajah, Jonathan
The Rhetoric of Memucan’s Speech: Genre and Characterisation in Esther 1 (ABR 67, 2019) 60–68.

Lee, Dorothy A.
Natural World Imagery and the Sublime in the Gospel of Matthew (ABR 67, 2019) 69–83.

Brett, Mark G.
Past and Future of Biblical Studies in Australia (ABR 67, 2019) 84–96.

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