Australian Biblical Review

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Lee, Dorothy A.
Emotion, Beauty and the ‘Sublime’ in the Gospel of John (ABR 71, 2023) 1–14.

Lee, Dorothy A.
Natural World Imagery and the Sublime in the Gospel of Matthew (ABR 67, 2019) 69–83.

Lee, Dorothy A.
The Significance of Moses in the Gospel of John (ABR 63, 2015) 52–66.

Lee, Dorothy A.
Witness in the Fourth Gospel: John the Baptist and the Beloved Disciple as Counterparts (ABR 61, 2013) 1–17.

Lee, Dorothy A.
Women as “Sinners’: Three Narratives of Salvation in Luke and John (ABR 44, 1996) 1–15.

Lee, Dorothy A.
The Story of the Woman at the Well: A Symbolic Reading (John 4:1–42) (ABR 41, 1993) 35–48.

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