Australian Biblical Review volume 71 (2023)

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Lee, Dorothy A.
Emotion, Beauty and the ‘Sublime’ in the Gospel of John (ABR 71, 2023) 1–14.

Rendsburg, Gary A., Marc Michaels, Ian Young, Julie Sommerfeldt, Vladimir Levchenko and Linda Barry
A Complete Old Torah Scroll (ABR 71, 2023) 15–54.

Deutschmann, Barbara
The Woman of Tekoa and Bloodguilt: Layers of Meaning in 2 Sam 14:1–24 (ABR 71, 2023) 55–69.

White, Adam
“You Actors!” An Examination of Jesus’ Charge of Hypocrisy in Matt 6:1–18 and 23:13–32 (ABR 71, 2023) 70–82.

Newton, Jon
Blurred Boundaries and Hybrids in Revelation (ABR 71, 2023) 83–99.

Vos, Craig de
Nothing or Nonsense? A Note on Luke 23:9 (ABR 71, 2023) 100–102.

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