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Monaghan, Christopher J.
The Gospel of Thomas: The Debates Go On (ABR 72, 2024) 1–15.
Schreiner, David B.
Torn Garments and Rethinking a “Hezekian History” (ABR 72, 2024) 16–34.
Rijken, Andrina and Emma M. Austin
From Grief to Joy: An Intertextual Study of Naomi and Hannah (ABR 72, 2024) 35–49.
Thambyrajah, Jonathan
The Narrative Motif of Anger and Esther’s Ethics of Diaspora (ABR 72, 2024) 50–64.
Au, Jonathan
The Power of Judgment: The Referent of Δúναμις in 1 Cor 4:19–20 (ABR 72, 2024) 65–78.
Basham, David Anthony
The Role of Conscience in Maintaining Early Orthodoxy (ABR 72, 2024) 79–93.
Luthy, Christopher
Isaiah 61 Traditions at Qumran and in Luke–Acts (ABR 72, 2024) 94–104.
Gore-Jones, Lydia
Jesus the Nazorean: Image and Symbol as Biblical Exegesis in the Gospel of John (ABR 72, 2024) 105–121.