Australian Biblical Review volume 35 (1987)

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Breward, Ian
Eric F. Osborn—An Appreciation (ABR 35, 1987) 1.

Osborn, E. F.
Bibliography of Published Works 1957–1987 (ABR 35, 1987) 3–5.

Watson, Nigel
Authorial Intention—Suspect Concept for Biblical Scholars? (ABR 35, 1987) 6–13.

Gill, Athol
Women Ministers in the Gospel of Mark (ABR 35, 1987) 14–21.

Fitzpatrick, Michael
From Ritual Observance to Ethics: The Argument of Mark 7:1–23 (ABR 35, 1987) 22–27.

Painter, John
Text and Context in John 5 (ABR 35, 1987) 28–34.

Moloney, Francis J.
The Structure and Message of John 15:1–16:3 (ABR 35, 1987) 35–49.

Barrett, Charles K.
The Apostolic Decree of Acts 15:29 (ABR 35, 1987) 50–59.

Strecker, Georg
Indicative and Imperative according to Paul (ABR 35, 1987) 60–72.

Trocmé, Etienne
From “I” to “We”: Christian Life according to Romans 7 and 8 (ABR 35, 1987) 73–76.

Ziesler, John A.
The Just Requirement of the Law (Romans 8:4) (ABR 35, 1987) 77–82.

Byrne, Brendan
Ministry and Maturity in 1 Corinthians 3 (ABR 35, 1987) 83–87.

Dalton, William J.
Is the Old Covenant Abrogated (2 Cor 3:14)? (ABR 35, 1987) 88–94.

McCaughey, J. Davis
The Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ (ABR 35, 1987) 95–98.

O’Neill, John
The Absence of the ‘in Christ’ Theology in 2 Corinthians 5 (ABR 35, 1987) 99–106.

Young, Frances
Allegory and Atonement (ABR 35, 1987) 107–14.

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